Monday, June 25, 2012

CastleMania in America.... where is Cindy Really Sleeping?

Of course the wannabe American robber barons would build their own castles just to prove they could.
The origin of McMansions of today, these monuments to colossal power and wealth were truly a new phenomena in the young upstart country of the United States.

What many people do not know or remember is the fact  most of these enormous residences were considered ostentatious displays of bad taste by those with truly aristocratic European lineage. Vulgar!
Heinous!  Scandalous!

Just who did those nouveau riche magnates of American industry think they were anyway? However just like many of today's newly mega wealthy and celebrity owners, these incredible edifices were the place of incredible balls and dinners, sporting weekends and house parties, manifestations of the owner's capability to display their newly acquired colossal wealth.

Which mistress of the manor, or in many cases Mistresses of the manor barons, was the descendant of the original Cinderella Charming? So many ladies... so little time... who really knew for sure.

Just like their husbands or paramours, these women knew that it was all about size - the size of the estate and staff, the size of their jewels, the size of their balls and parties.   And for the men, as it's always been.... the size of the junk.

Biltmore House - the largest home in America

Often these women were thrown over for the mistress, a better business arrangement, the latest beauty, or for the most cunning of competitors.  And sadly, these women were faced with the prospect of starting over, finding work or another man who could provide the basics of life and more. Some landed on their feet quite nicely, some not so much.

Newport Summer Cottage

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